Accelerated-X™ Summit Series

Single Logical Screen (SLS)

Xinerama is NOT Single Logical Screen, but rather it is a query operation that basically answers the question "how are the monitor views configured?". Xinerama does not configure multiple views into a single logical xscreen, since it is only a query operation. Other routines in the X server are invoked to do the acutual configuring.

With that out of the way, lets state some definitions that might come in handy when discussing the considerable flexibility of the Wall Display (HX) Series with respect to configuring one OR MORE single logical screens, also sometimes called "stretched desktops".

Single Logical Screen (SLS) - a single xscreen that encompasses more than one monitor view.

xscreen - a rectangular element of a display.

view - what is seen on one monitor.

window - a rectangular interactive element defined by the Window Manager and the operator.

hardware acceleration - the use of the graphics hardware features in a graphics chip/card to speed up graphics operations using available hardware on the chip/card for that purpose rather than having the system's CPU perform the graphics operations. The X server and graphics driver must be designed to make use of the graphics operations acceleration hardware, and in the case of multiple xscreens, or single logical screens, or both, the X server/graphics driver pair must be able to use the acceleration hardware for each view within the display to be a "fully hardware accelerated" display.

Display - the "output" or product of an X server - one X server, one display. A monitor view is not a display unless it is the sole element of the only xscreen in the X server's output. In this case, the only output of the X server is one xscreen that is shown as the view of one monitor. There can be multiple monitors, and multiple xscreens - with the number of xscreens and the number of monitors not necessarily being equal - in a display.

For example, with a diaplay that covers, say, six monitors, there could be six xscreens (one xscreen per monitor) as one possible configuration, or one xscreen stretched across two monitors and another xscreen stretched acorss the other four monitors as another possible configuration. That would be one display, consisting of two single logical xscreens encompassing six monitor views.

A window in one xscreen could, in the example above, be moved across the monitors that share one of the stretched desktops, but could not be moved from one stretched desktop to another stretched desktop. In fact, a window cannot be moved from one xscreen to another xscreen, period. The mouse cursor, though, can be moved around among the various xscreens.